Good things happen in sets. When I traveled to Selina Cruz Mexico in 2011 with Mike Parsons and the Billabong ‘Surf With A Pro’ program we scored some epic surf, discovered waves, and met new people.
When you travel with Snips you are sure to be at the right place at the right time. It was no surprise when we crossed paths with South Africans Jordy Smith and Damien Fahrenfort. They were traveling with friends and filming for the movie ‘Bending Colours‘.

The clips in this video hardly compare to whats happening in Woody’s (Jacob Wooden) and Jordy’s new film ‘Now Now’, but there are still some great waves.
[hdvideo id=47 ratingscontrol=on views=on title=on]
The song ‘Worth The Wait’ is a new track by Mishka from his new album ‘The Journey’. If you enjoy the music please show some love and check out the full album on itunes.