This year celebrates the 8th Annual Donna National Marathon. Donna Deegan, three-time breast cancer survivor and founder of 26.2 with DONNA, also founded The Donna Foundation, a nonprofit organization formed to raise money exclusively for those on the First Coast living with breast cancer.
Since its inaugural year in 2008, 26.2 with DONNA has contributed more than $3.5 million towards its vision to finish breast cancer. Funds go to the Mayo Clinic for bench top breast cancer research and to The Donna Foundation to help the underserved with breast cancer.

Runners and walkers start the race at ATP Blvd. in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL., and enjoy a route through four beautiful beach communities on historic coastal A1A, over the Intracoastal Waterway Bridge on Butler Blvd., and finish at Mayo Clinic.

Today was race day! (Sunday February 15, 2015) The morning was chilly but the weather turned gorgeous quickly. The runners were inspired and the streets were lined with supporters!
I was happy to be there to support my sister Jill Ross who ran the marathon this year. I met up with her husband Xavier and their 4 kiddos (Daisy, Luke, Barbara & Piper) at 8am. We then walked a few blocks to see their mommy pass by at mile 10. This short video picks up from there and hopes to bring you some of the incredible spirit and energy that was in the air all day!
[hdvideo id=84 ratingscontrol=on views=on title=on]
This Marathon is helping people and families get the support they need to stay strong and win their battle with cancer. If you would like to donate to the cause, click here.
Way to go Jill! Loved the video:)
Thank you to the 26.2 with Donna and the entire community for making this event bring out the strength, love and support of so many individuals. The energy and spirit is beyond words.